Network Graphs in Hugo

This is a simple toy to see how a network graph can be added in a Hugo article. I’ll be testing new features on it as I learn new things. Relative to the root of the Hugo website directory, here’s some basic files to make this interactive. Note that The JSON data and CSS is added inline here to make the scope of this tutorial focus on Hugo-specific structures. The javascript file was put in /static/js/ and can be found here:...

December 9, 2022 · 150 words
Red Dead Redemption II

Helpful Red Dead Redemption 2 Checklists

I’ve put together a Google Drive spreadsheet for the avid Red Dead Redemption 2 completionist. It’s almost a 100% checklist, but mostly useful as a way to keep track of progress that plays nice in both print and mobile form. 🔗 RDR2 Completionist Checklist (Google Sheets) While not a replacement by any means for the various user made maps and guides out there, I wanted everything consolodated in a form similar to what I had already been doing with a little notebook while I played....

February 6, 2022 · 316 words

Hockey Catch-all Statistics versus Salary Cap

This project 1 is motivated by the “WAR” stat in baseball, where I have adopted the “Goals vs. Threshold” (GVT) statistic from Tom Awad. Here, I only consider the Offensive GVT for forward skaters and defensemen (OGVT). ...

November 7, 2017 · 570 words

Updated Nginx configuration with Let's Encrypt headers

I’ve added a new security_headers.conf file in /etc/nginx/ to keep all the HTTPS headers in one place: ...

April 3, 2017 · 263 words

Getting an A+ on Mozilla's HTTP Observatory

After I learned about Mozilla’s tool to test how secure your site is, I ran it on my site and received an “F”. ...

January 9, 2017 · 108 words

New way forward for deploying

ssh’ing into my Digital Ocean droplet has become rather annoying for maintaining this website. Particularly annoying is dealing with images on two different filesystems. In the README (commit 1a0ee5a), I describe the steps I have been doing to publish an article to I tried implementing this method, but it is very long and requires many modifications to the post-receive hook to get it working on a per-user basis. Here I outline a way to do this in a more conservative manner. ...

October 18, 2016 · 294 words