Foraging Humanity
I talk about three mediums that capture the art of the lost and found

Some Sweet Thoughts on Sugar
Chefs work with a wide variety of different sugars and syrups. A small bit of sweetness in a savory dish can bring balance just as well as salt or acid do to sweet dishes. Sometimes this can be accomplished via onion, carrot or tomato in a rich sauce, or via tree fruits, berries or wine in an aromatic one. Sweetness is a part of the flavor balancing equation. Sugar is energy dense....

The Flavor Network
This tool allows you to explore the flavor network, a social graph for flavor profiles. The network is based on the Flavor Bible and soon the companion book What to Drink with What You Eat.

Les Miserables
Les Miserables is one of my favorite books. I read most of the original translation on a train ride to Portland, OR from Chicago, IL back in 2008 and enjoyed the remainder on the return trip back East. It taught me compassion: when Valjean places the coin in Cosette’s shoe. Father Christmas always misses her. There was an earlier passage of a man stepping on a coin in front of her, while she swept dressed in rags....

Network Graphs with Images
This is a follow-up to the previous post Network Graphs in Hugo. I’m feeling fruity. These aren’t all tree fruits, but a few clusters organized by tree grafting compatibility. Data for the network is stored in two separate JSON files, both located in /static/data/fruit/: nodes.json edges.json The javascript and the shortcode, as one file: fruit-network.html {{ $nodesPath := .Get "nodesPath" }} {{ $edgesPath := .Get "edgesPath" }} <style> #mynetwork { background-color: #f5f5f5; /* a medium gray color */ border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid #cccccc; margin: 5px 0 40px 0; } </style> <div id="mynetwork" data-nodes-path={{ $nodesPath }} data-edges-path={{ $edgesPath }}></div> <script src="https://visjs....
What is Pesto?
Pesto* is a cold-prep green sauce made with herbs and alliums suspended in oil. Most pestos call for some form of nut or cheese. In the general sense, chefs may specify “loose pesto” when there are neither cheese nor nuts in the sauce, or when the sauce has an abundance of oil. In general, pesto is made from herbs in the mint family, almost always from basil. The * distinguishes a generalization to the traditional meaning of the word....