Les Miserables is one of my favorite books. I read most of the original translation on a train ride to Portland, OR from Chicago, IL back in 2008 and enjoyed the remainder on the return trip back East. It taught me compassion: when Valjean places the coin in Cosette’s shoe. Father Christmas always misses her. There was an earlier passage of a man stepping on a coin in front of her, while she swept dressed in rags.

The graph may take a moment to load.

The search bar is the major addition to the graphing methods. Nodes can be clicked and added to a subgraph builder. You can continue to search for new node members in the search bar (which has a rudimentary autofill that’s a straight json query) and clicking on them will add them to the builder. Simultaneously, the graph will reduce to a graph containing only all nodes with edges linked to nodes in the builder.

Items can be removed from the builder either by clicking the little builder tabs or re-clicking the node. Clearing the builder bar completely will redraw the whole graph.

Testing and development was done on the mini pesto data set I made for What is Pesto?. Recipe builder coming soon(!)

Please email me at wyatt@brege.org with any questions.

Dataset can be found here:

Lingering annoyances:

  • Slow
  • Still haven’t figured out how to pass shortcode variables to javascript files in Hugo (the website builder, not the author)
  • Javascript needs clean up
  • I have great fear running this on my 700x3000 dataset..