Updated Nginx configuration with Let's Encrypt headers

I’ve added a new security_headers.conf file in /etc/nginx/ to keep all the HTTPS headers in one place: ...

April 3, 2017 · 263 words

Getting an A+ on Mozilla's HTTP Observatory

After I learned about Mozilla’s tool to test how secure your site is, I ran it on my site https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze.html?host=brege.org and received an “F”. ...

January 9, 2017 · 108 words

Nginx rewrite for RSS

Add the following to the main server block in your nginx config: location ~ ^/(?:feed|feeds|rss) { return 301 /post/index.xml; } Now people can go to https://brege.org/rss to find the RSS feed. This rewrite rule could be expanded to match other common feed URI guesses.

October 11, 2016 · 44 words